Camp Use Information
Included with Camp Rental
Soccer Field
Outdoor Basketball Court
Sand Volleyball Pit
Outdoor Volleyball Court
Fishing Lake (Catch & Release Only)
Covered Rec Hall
5 Outdoor Teaching/Activity Shelters
2 Outdoor Chapels/Amphitheaters
Hiking Trails
Camp WaMaVa Code of Conduct
The Board of Directors welcomes renters; we expect all visitors to be respectful of Camp WaMaVa’s neighbors, any staff/volunteers that may be present during your stay, and the campground facilities. While using the campgrounds we encourage visitors to engage in activities that are playful, encouraging, and relationship building. We do have the following prohibited activities:
Damaging any part of the campground or its facilities
Consuming alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs
Smoking and use of tobacco products
Disruptive behavior
Harassing, threatening, or intimidating language or behavior
Use of Camp WaMaVa’s internet access in violation of Virginia Code*
Inappropriate use of any of the facilities
Any person who fails to observe these rules may be asked to leave and could have future access to the Camp WaMaVa campgrounds limited or suspended. Thank you for your cooperation.
* Virginia Code1 §18.2-374.1:1 (child pornography), Virginia Code §18.2-372 through §18.2-374 (obscene materials) or §18.2-377 (obscene materials)
Policy Regarding Rental Use of Camp WaMaVa Campgrounds
Camp WaMaVa’s campgrounds are available (unless otherwise noted) whenever possible for the use of non-profit groups. We rent to church groups, homeschool programs, Boy and Girl Scouts/American Heritage Girls/Trail Life, civic organizations, and family gatherings. We hope that these are positive and influential events in the lives of people as they develop relationships with others and with God.
Camp WaMaVa sponsored programs shall receive first priority for reserving the space, after which other booking requests shall be considered.
The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the campgrounds does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group's policies or beliefs.
The name, address, and phone number of Camp WaMaVa’s campgrounds may not be used as the official address of any organization using the campground facilities, nor may any non-Camp WaMaVa group using the campground facilities publicize its activities in such a way as to imply Camp WaMaVa sponsorship.
The campgrounds are available for rental after the 2nd weekend in March through 3 weeks prior to the summer encampment start date, and again beginning 2 weekends after the close of summer encampment until after the 2nd weekend in November. Unless otherwise noted.
When the campgrounds are not reserved and a WaMaVa representative is available to open and close the campgrounds, churches of Christ congregations are welcome to use the Front Porch and Mess Hall (only) free of charge for Sunday services. This will need to be scheduled on our calendar before use.
No temporary signage shall be placed at the entrance to the campgrounds.
A group may request to use the campgrounds by filling out the application located on Camp WaMaVa’s website.
Camp WaMaVa’s Board of Directors shall be the final authority in granting or refusing permission for the use of the campgrounds.